Wildcard Subdomain Installation

The default installation method for Respond is AngularJS HTML5 mode.  This works best for sites on a subdomain or root domain.  This guide walks you through setting up wildcard subdomains so that you have your sites that you create automatically be mapped to a subdomain.

1. Enable vhost_alias module

If you followed the Digital Ocean installation, you can do this via the following command.

a2enmod vhost_alias
service apache2 restart

See this thread for additional options to enable this module: Invalid Command VirtualDocumentRoot

2. Set a subdomain to *

This varies by DNS provider.  But, typically you set the subdomain to * and URL Redirect it to a URL pointing at your server.  If you use Namecheap, they provide a guide:  How can I set up a catch-all (wildcard) subdomain?

3. Create a VirtualHost for your wildcard subdomains

If you followed the Digital Ocean setup, you can create your VirtualHost using the following code.  The exact virtualhost setup for our demo site is shown below.

<VirtualHost *:80>
	ServerName responddemo.website
	ServerAlias *.responddemo.website

	ServerAdmin matt@matthewsmith.com
	VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/html/responddemo/app/sites/%1/

# vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet

I use a standalone domain for this purpose.  I have found that trying to use the same domain as your app (or other subdomains) causes issues.