Creating Plugins

Plugins are a great way to extend Respond to meet the needs of your users.  In Respond 7, plugins are managed globally and distributed to sites when you create the site or when you update the plugins from the advanced menu. 

Updating Plugins

You can find the source code for the existing plugins in the /resources/plugins/ folder.  When you create your site with Respond, the sites theme folder will be copied over to your installation folder (/public/sites/site-name) and then the /resources/plugins folder will be copied over to the site.  

To update the plugins, you simply update the code in this folder and then create a new site or update the plugins from the advanced menu "Advanced > Update Plugins".

Referencing Plugins in Code

The respond-plugin attribute is used to tell the system that the code contained within an element is generated by a plugin.

<div respond-plugin type="form" form="contact-us"></div>

In the above example, the plugin is set to a type of form. This tells Respond to pull the code from public/sites/site-name/plugins/form.html.

Enabling Plugins in the Respond Editor

You can enable the Respond visual editor to show your plugin by adding the following JSON to /resources/plugins/data/plugins.json. The file is copied to public/sites/site-name/data/plugins.json when the site is created.  Once again, changing this file will not affect existing sites until you update the plugins from the advanced menu.

 "selector": "[respond-plugin][type=form]",
 "title": "Form",
 "display": "<i class=\"material-icons\">check_box</i>",
 "view": "<div class=\"respond-plugin\"><i class=\"material-icons\">check_box</i><span>Form</span></div>",
 "html": "<div respond-plugin type=\"form\" form=\"contact-us\"></div>",
 "attributes": [
 "attr": "form",
 "label": "Form",
 "type": "select",
 "values": ["respond.forms"]
 "assets": ["plugins/form.html"]
Setting Description
action A unique identifier for your plugin.
selector The CSS selector by which your plugin can be accessed by the editor. Typically, this will be [respond-plugin][type=plugin] where plugin is the name of your plugin.
title The title of the plugin. Shown when the icon is hovered over.
display The HTML display of the icon shown in the toolbar in the Respond editor.
view (optional) Specifies "default" HTML that is replaced by the editor. This is recommended when the plugin contains dynamic data that should not be edited by the user.
attributes The attributes allow you to configure the configure modal for the plugin. Each configurable item is mapped to an attribute on the plugin HTML. For example, in the form plugin, the form attribute sets the form attribute in the plugin HTML.

More on Attributes

Attributes are the primary means to pass data from the user to the plugin. They can pass plain text or specify the name of the form, gallery, or page to be used by the plugin.

Setting Description
attr The name of the HTML attribute to be set on the plugin.
label The label for the field shown in the configure element modal
type This can be set to text or select to show a text field or select field.
values (if select is set as type) An array of values to be added on the select list. This can be a simple array of strings (e.g. ['Option 1','Option 2','Option 3']) or can be set as ['respond.forms'], ['respond.galleries'], ['respond.routes'], or ['respond.pages']. These special values automatically populate the select box with items created in Respond.

Plugin Structure

Plugins can be a simple as creating plain HTML. In fact, you can just specify the HTML in the plugins.json file. However, to get the full power of accessing Respond data, you need to use TWIG templates. The Twig templates allow you to access data in the system. An example of the form plugin is shown below.

{% spaceless %}

{% for form in forms %}

 {% if == attributes.form %}

<form id="{{ }}" action="{{ site.api }}" data-site="{{ }}" respond-form>

 {% for field in form.fields %}
 <div class="form-group" data-id="{{ }}" data-label="{{ field.label }}" data-type="{{ field.type }}" data-required="{{ field.required }}">

 <label for="{{ }}" class="control-label">{{ field.label }}</label>

 {% if field.type == 'text' %}
 <input id="{{ }}" name="{{ }}" type="text" placeholder="{{ field.placeholder }}" class="form-control">
 {% endif %}

 {% if field.type == 'textarea' %}
 <textarea id="{{ }}" name="{{ }}" placeholder="{{ field.placeholder }}" class="form-control"></textarea>
 {% endif %}

 {% if field.type == 'select' %}

 {% set options = field.options|split(',') %}

 <select id="{{ }}" name="{{ }}" class="form-control">
 {% for option in options %}
 <option value="{{ option }}">{{ option }}</option>
 {% endfor %}

 {% endif %}

 {% if field.type == 'checkboxlist' %}

 {% set options = field.options|split(',') %}

 <span class="radio list">
 {% for option in options %}
 <label class="radio"><input name="{{ }}" type="checkbox" value="{{ option }}"><span>{{ option }}</span></label>
 {% endfor %}

 {% endif %}

 {% if field.type == 'radiolist' %}

 {% set options = field.options|split(',') %}

 <span class="checkbox list">
 {% for option in options %}
 <label class="checkbox"><input name="{{ }}" type="radio" value="{{ option }}"><span>{{ option }}</span></label>
 {% endfor %}

 {% endif %}

 {% if field.helperText != '' %}
 <span class="help-block">{{ field.helperText }}</span>
 {% endif %}

 {% endfor %}

 {% endif %}

{% endfor %}
 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>

 <span class="loading">
 	<!-- ack: -->
 	<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><g><path opacity=".25" d="M16 0 A16 16 0 0 0 16 32 A16 16 0 0 0 16 0 M16 4 A12 12 0 0 1 16 28 A12 12 0 0 1 16 4"/><path d="M16 0 A16 16 0 0 1 32 16 L28 16 A12 12 0 0 0 16 4z"><animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" from="0 16 16" to="360 16 16" dur="0.8s" repeatCount="indefinite" /></path></g></svg>

 <span class="success">Form submitted successfully</span>

 <span class="error">There was an error submitting your form</span>
{% endspaceless %}

Form Data

Forms are created in the Forms UI in Respond. The following data is passed into the forms array passed to your plugin.

Setting Description
id The ID of the created form.
name The name of the form.
cssClass This CSS class of the form.
fields An array of fields created on the form.

Fields contain the following information.

Setting Description
id The ID of field
label The label of the field.
type This type of the field (text, textarea, select, checkboxlist, radiolist)
required Set to "true" or "false" if the field is required.
options A comma separated list of options available to the select, checkboxlist or radiolist types.
helperText Any helper text set on the form field.
placeholder The placeholder text set on text fields.
cssClass The CSS class for the field.

Gallery Data

Galleries are created in the Galleries UI in Respond. The following data is passed into the galleries array passed to your plugin.

Setting Description
id The ID of the created gallery.
name The name of the gallery.
images An array of images created on the gallery.

Images contain the following information.

Setting Description
id The generated id for the image.
name The filename of the image.
url The relative URL to the image.
thumb The relative URL to the thumb of the image.
caption A user-specified caption for the image.

Menu Data

Menus are created in the Menus UI in Respond. The following data is passed into the menus array passed to your plugin.

Setting Description
id The ID of the created menu.
name The name of the menu.
items An array of menu items created on the menu.

The items contain the following information.

Setting Description
cssClass The css class for the menu item
isNested Set to "true" or "false" as to whether the menu item is nested in the parent.
html The HTML to be displayed in the menu item label.
url The relative URL to which the menu item is linked.

Pages Data

Pages are created in the Pages UI in Respond. The following data is passed into the pages array passed to your plugin.

Setting Description
title The title of the page.
description The description of the page.
text Plain text for the main content in the page.
html The HTML for the main content in the page.
keywords Keywords for the page.
callout Callout text for the page.
url The relative URL of the page.
photo The relative photo URL for the first image in the main content of the page.
thumb The relative thumb URL for the first image in the main content of the page.
language The language of the page.
direction The direction (rtl or ltr) of text on the page.
firstName The first name of the last user to modify the page.
lastName The last name of the last user to modify the page.
lastModifiedBy The email of the last user to modify the page.
lastModifiedDate The date of the last modification to the page (e.g. 2016-06-09T19:49:27.0Z).

Current Page Data

The following data is passed into the page array passed to your plugin. It contains information about the current page.

Setting Description
title The title of the page.
description The description of the page.
keywords Keywords for the page.
callout Callout text for the page.
url The relative URL of the page.
photo The relative photo URL for the first image in the main content of the page.
thumb The relative thumb URL for the first image in the main content of the page.
language The language of the page.
direction The direction (rtl or ltr) of text on the page.
firstName The first name of the last user to modify the page.
lastName The last name of the last user to modify the page.
lastModifiedBy The email of the last user to modify the page.
lastModifiedDate The date of the last modification to the page (e.g. 2016-06-09T19:49:27.0Z).

Products Data

Products are created in the Products UI in Respond. The following data is passed into the products array passed to your plugin.

Setting Description
id The ID of the created product.
name The name of the product.
url The url of the product.
description The description of the product.
shipped Whether the product is shipped (true or false).
subscription Whether the product is a subscription (true or false).
price The price of the product
images The images of the product (attributes: id, name, url, thumb, caption)

Current Site Data

The following data is passed into the site array passed to your plugin. It contains information about the current site.

Setting Description
id The unique id (also the folder name) for the site.
name The name of the site (when created).
email The primary email of the site.
api The URL to the API for the app.